Latest Blog Posts

Alternative Transportation at UC Riverside

Making a living in the modern world is often strongly dependent on physical mobility. The spatial disconnect between housing and employment/education opportunities has given rise to commuter culture; and it feels like it’s almost impossible to function in some places -- Southern California in particular -- without access to a personal vehicle. While it’s true...
Website Development

UCR Global Food Initiative

A Computer Science Major's Experience in GFI By "Peter" Haoping Wang Peter is a First year graduate student. He's from Guangzhou, China and is currently majoring in Computer Science. His Fellowship Project is on Website Development and is essentially about designing and maintaining the current Global Food Initiative website. His responsibilities include maintaining and updating...

UC Riverside's Solar Farms: Steps Towards Carbon Neutrality

UC Riverside's Solar Farms: Steps Towards Carbon Neutrality Have you ever heard about the UC Riverside’s solar farms? In this blog you will be familiar with the outlines of the solar energy utilization in UC Riverside by a UCR Ph.D. student who is working on the project relevant to the solar farms. In modern civilization...
By Mohammed Farajollah, CNI Fellow and PhD Student in Electrical Engineering  |
Salton Sea

Conflict at the Salton Sea

Conflict at the Salton Sea Early February, a group of scientists met on a grey Saturday morning. Grey clouds filled the sky, a drizzle began, as a group of science professors, graduate students, and a few undergrads boarded vans behind the Geology building parking lot headed to the Imperial County. Once departed, the group spoke...
By Gabrielle Bronx |
Food Waste

Food Waste in the Kitchen and How To Prevent It

Food Waste In The Kitchen And How To Prevent It Whether working, studying, or any goal we come to combat, its usually difficult to keep in mind to eat nutritiously and within a budget. And when we do have some time and energy to think about healthy sustainable eating, it is difficult to be mindful...
By Yvonne Van |