Environmental Justice Resources

RPantry Banner


Basic Needs

The Basic Needs department focuses on providing resources to students experiencing food and/or housing insecurity, or students who need support during a financial crisis. Our resources include the R’Pantry which provides currently enrolled students with food resources, hygiene products, and child care items. Additionally, we offer application assistance for the CalFresh food aid enrollment process, and additional support through our Economic Crisis Response Team. 

For more information on the resources available and how to access these resources please visit us at  https://basicneeds.ucr.edu/  

900 University Ave
Riverside, CA 92521  
Tel: (951) 827-9355
email: basicneeds@ucr.edu 



R’ Garden  


R’Garden is three acres that includes a community garden, row crops, a Valencia orchard, and a greenhouse area.  It serves as a sustainability hub to promote service learning, and community-based research around food systems through student-led projects and collaborations with the campus and community.  

R'Garden is open to students, faculty, staff, and community members, to grow fresh produce while providing an opportunity to learn about social, environmental, and economic sustainability through a food systems approach. 

900 University Ave (Lot 30) 
Riverside, CA 92521 
Tel: (951) 827-4271 
Email: rgarden@ucr.edu 




BREATHE: Bridging Regional Ecology, Aerosolized Toxins, & Health Effects 


The BREATHE Center at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine is a multidisciplinary collaborative for studies Bridging Regional Ecology, Aerosolized Toxins, and Health Effects. Research efforts among our collaborative include regional climate modeling, culture and policy studies on air quality and health, environmental justice and health disparities, and the health impacts of aerosolized particles including dusts, soil microbes, allergenic pollens from invasive species, and pollutants. 

SOM Education Building 
900 University Ave. 
Riverside, CA, 92521  
Tel: (951) 827-4553 
Email: david.lo@medsch.ucr.edu 

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School of Medicine Center for Health Disparities Research


The Center for Health Disparities Research at University of California, Riverside (HDR@UCR) is a research center that aims to develop a rich interdisciplinary and collaborative environment for training in and performing health disparities research, infusing community-engaged research methods into the academic culture, and equipping investigators with tools and training for effective community-based research. 

The center brings together broad interdisciplinary approaches including environmental sciences, biomedical sciences, as well as social science methods to study health disparities. 

900 University Ave. 
Riverside, CA 92521  
Tel: (951) 827-4553 
Email: webmaster@ucr.edu 

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Center for Social Innovation (CSI) 


The Center for Social Innovation provides a credible research voice that spurs civic leadership and policy innovation. Its reputation is built on the key pillars of social science, strategic policy awareness, innovation mindsets, and deep community partnerships. CSI integrates researchers, community organizations, and civic stakeholders in collaborative projects and long-term partnerships that strengthen shared values of resilience, inclusion, sustainability, and equity (RISE). Importantly, the Center seeks to shift away from a “problem” narrative to an “opportunity” narrative for marginalized communities and localities. The Center for Social Innovation focuses on five key areas: Civic Engagement, Economic Mobility, Immigrant Integration, Leadership & Entrepreneurship, and Place Making. Specific to our work in Inland Southern California, our activities in collaborative research, policy innovation, and narrative change are aimed to more fully realize the region’s potential in terms of its civic activities, philanthropic investments, and growing nonprofit sector. 

The goals of the Center for Social Innovation are to: 

  1. More deeply integrate researchers and community stakeholders in collaborative projects and long-term partnerships, 

  1. Provide a credible research voice that spurs civic leadership and policy innovation, and 

  1. Shift away from a “problem” narrative to an “opportunity” narrative for marginalized communities. Specific to our work in Inland Southern California, our activities in collaborative research, policy innovation, and narrative change are aimed to more fully realize the region’s potential in terms of its civic and nonprofit activities. 

4133 CHASS Interdisciplinary South 
Riverside, CA 92521  
Tel: (951) 827-2328 
Email: socialinnovation@ucr.edu 

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Inland Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD) 



The Inland Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD) is a research center in the School of Public Policy at the University of California, Riverside. The center has sixteen years of experience analyzing and promoting sustainability efforts within our region. We work with local government, businesses, non-profit institutions and other economic stakeholders to provide valuable, accurate and objective information. 

The center has three important goals as they relate to our research and service: 

  1. To coordinate sustainability efforts in land use, transportation, infrastructure, energy, water, public health, emergency response and resource management agencies. 

  1. To serve as a convening body to promote collaboration among decision-makers and practitioners in determining the best course of action for the region. 

  1. To facilitate, both within ICSD’s membership and with policy makers in the region, the exchange of information, including cutting-edge and locally relevant research initiatives, best practices, information management systems and education efforts. 

4146 CHASS Interdisciplinary South 
Riverside, CA 92521  
Tel: (951) 827-1012  
Email: spp@ucr.edu 
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UCR Healthy Campus


University of California, Riverside (UCR) is taking an integrated and comprehensive approach to elevate health and well-being at UCR. UCR Healthy Campus (HC), part of the larger systemwide HCN, invests in improving the health and quality of life for the UCR campus community. 

UCR HC strives to make the healthy choice the easy choice. This requires changing the surrounding environment and culture to support and sustain positive behavior change. UCR’s HC has formed partnerships with staff, faculty, students, and the surrounding community to develop, implement, and institutionalize policies and environments essential for sustainable behavior change.  

The Healthy Campus subcommittees are cross-functional teams consisting of faculty, staff and students who provide valuable perspective and collaboration to ensure culture change, development of an action plan and implementation. 

  1. Built Environment (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/built-environment) 

  1. Culture Change (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/culture-change) 

  1. Healthy Beverage Initiative (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/built-environment/built-environment-healthy-beverage-initiative)  

  1. Healthy Eating and Nutrition (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/healthy-eating-nutrition) 

  1. Mental Health (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/mental-health)  

  1. Metrics (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/metrics) 

  1. Physical Activity (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/physical-activity)  

  1. Preventative Health (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/preventative-health)  

  1. Public Health Anti-Racism (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/public-health-anti-racism-subcommittee)  

  1. Substance Use and Addiction (https://healthycampus.ucr.edu/sub-committees/choose-well-substance-use-and-addiction-smoketobacco-free)  

UCR Healthy Campus Initiative 
1201 University Ave., Suite 208 
Riverside, CA 92521  
Tel: (951) 827-1488 
Email: healthycampus@ucr.edu  


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California Agriculture and Food Enterprise (CAFÉ)


The University of California’s (UCR’s) California Agriculture and Food Enterprise (CAFÉ) is a research catalyst initiative facilitating the integrative, multidisciplinary study of complex issues associated with agriculture, food and sustainability for the betterment of the health and well-being of humanity and the planet. 

To attain this goal, CAFÉ acts to both open communication and break down disciplinary barriers among UCR-based faculty, researchers, staff, administrators, and students to facilitate activities that lead to the creation of solutions. Building on UCR’s strengths in food and agriculture in the broad sense, CAFÉ also works to build partnerships beyond the campus with like-minded scholars within the University of California (UC) system (e.g., UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) and UC Global Food Initiative (GFI)) as well as appropriate interested government, non-government, industry, and private stakeholders. 

900 University Ave. 
4158 & 4162 Batchelor Hall 
Riverside, CA 92521  
Tel: (951) 827-4194 
Email: deborahp@ucr.edu 
Alt Email: ellstrand@ucr.edu 


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Carbon Neutrality Initiative (CNI)


The Carbon Neutrality Initiative (CNI) began in 2013 when UC president Janet Napolitano established the goal for the UC system to become carbon neutral from its buildings and vehicle fleet (scope 1 and 2) by 2025, and further carbon neutral from all other indirect sources (scope 3) by 2050. Since the initiative was announced UC has reduced its scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 15%. 

Starting in 2015 the CNI Fellowship program began to encourage student involvement in the goal of carbon neutrality. This fellowship consists of student-led projects which aid one of the goals set by UCOP. Projects that focus on scope 1 & 2 emissions are preferred although projects that focus on scope 3 emissions are also encouraged to apply.  

Past projects from UCR include: 

  • Establishing the GSA Sustainability Liaison. 

  • Studying the relationship between water use and GHG emissions. 

  • Alternative Transportation Survey. 

  • Efforts with estimating and mapping GHG emissions. 

UC Riverside 
Student Services Building 3222  
Tel: (951) 827-6558 
Email: sustainability@ucr.edu 


Picture of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Global Food Initiative (GFI)


The University of California's Global Food Initiative (GFI) is addressing one of the most compelling issues of our time: how to sustainably and nutritiously feed a world population expected to reach 8 billion by 2025. UC GFI has harnessed expertise and resources from across its 10 campuses and through existing efforts and the creation of new collaborations is addressing social, economic, political and ecological issues at the intersection of agri-food system, health and sustainability. 

UC Riverside is supporting the effort of the GFI initiative and pooling together its comprehensive resources to form working groups, involves local NGO, Institutes, faculty, students led organizations, and existing committees and programs, to share best practices and strengthen capabilities across campus. Our efforts focus on, sustainable agriculture and food issues (from production to food access), helping communities eat healthier and more sustainably and translating research into policy, and involve all levels, from faculty to students, from campus dining halls to classrooms, laboratories, and student farms. 

4162 Batchelor Hall Riverside, CA 92521 
Tel: (951) 827-4194 
Email: tamara.hedges@ucr.edu 


CA Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG)  


Students have the power to shape the future we will inherit. We work with professional staff at colleges and universities to make sure our peers have the skills, opportunities and training they need to create a better, more sustainable future for all of us. Our chapters provide the training, professional support and resources students need to tackle climate change, protect public health, revitalize our democracy, feed the hungry and more. Students have been at the forefront of social change throughout history, from civil rights, to voting rights to protecting the environment. For over 40 years we’ve helped students to get organized, mobilized and energized so they can continue to be on the cutting edge of positive change. Contact Information 

Instagram: @ucr_calpirg  
Sign up to volunteer: https://calpirgstudents.org/volunteer-on-campus/  



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Green Campus Action Plan (GCAP) 


The Green Campus Action Plan aims to provide undergraduate students with the resources to pursue sustainability projects on the University of California, Riverside campus. By taking ownership of our impact on the planet and our community, we as students can begin to tackle sustainability issues at a college level and then take those lessons throughout our careers.  

University of California, Riverside 
900 University Ave, HUB 202 
Riverside, CA 92521 
Contact Email: Info@Gcapucr.com 
Tel: (951) 827-3621


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Fair Trade Committee 


Fair Trade is about endorsing an economic system that provides opportunities for international farmers, artisans and workers to lift themselves out of poverty. The purpose of this organization shall be to spearhead the campaign to make and maintain UCR as a Fair Trade Campus. This entails educating students about their purchasing power through events, news coverage, and workshops as well as collaborating with other departments to pass a campus Fair Trade resolution. 

Contact Email: ucrfairtrade@gmail.com 
Instagram: @ucrfairtrade  


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Environmental Science Club


The environmental science club's main goals is to provide members with insight into its realworld applications by providing field trips to geological sites, tours of plants and sites with scientists who work in the various fields of environmental science. We hope to have engaging discussions on current issues with the guidance of scientists researching solutions to these problems. Notify and highlight any upcoming volunteer, research and/or internship opportunities with coordination from UCR's Environmental Department and fellow organizations at UCR. 

Contact Email: enscclubatucr@gmail.com 


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Gardening Club  


As a community-based organization, Gardening Club is a group of students who are passionate about seeking sustainable initiatives on our campus and in our communities. The role of our organization is to raise awareness of local sustainable food systems and environmental justice, while empowering students to take collaborative action! We hope to create a safe space for gardeners of all levels. Join our org to work with other students, local nonprofit organizations, and community activists in growing a community of dedicated gardeners!  

Martin Luther King Blvd. 
Inner Parking Lot 30, Section 3 
Riverside, CA 92507 
Contact Email: ucrgardening@gmail.com 
Phone Number: 951-827-4271 


global brigades


Global Brigades at UCR


Global Brigades is the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization. Since 2004, Global Brigades has mobilized thousands of university students and professionals through nine skill-based programs that work in partnership with community members to improve quality of life in under resourced regions while respecting local culture. 

Currently, Global Brigades has six disciplines. Medical, Dental, Public Health, Finance & Business, Legal, Engineering & Water all work in rural communities and represent the holistic model that Global Brigades follows. Global Brigades volunteer in the countries of Nicaragua, Honduras, Greece, Panama, Ghana, and Guatemala. The mission of Global Brigades is to empower volunteers and under-resourced communities to resolve global health and economic disparities and inspire all involved to collaboratively work towards an equal world. In doing so, the long-term goal is to create empowered communities where they are sustainably independent (taking over our health and economic projects).  Students can have hands on-experience in working in communities in any of these disciplines while respecting the culture and having first-hand experience of seeing the people's lives they change through volunteer work. 

Contact Email: gmb.ucr@gmail.com 


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Our Blue Marble


We are here to educate both the UCR and Riverside community on the importance of endangered species and environmental conservation. We teach students how to be green on a college budget, give details on governmental policies coming up for voting or debate in regards to wildlife/the environment, fundraise for different conservation organizations or relief efforts, give tips on how we as students can help make an impact in conservation, and create a community space for animal lovers and conservationists to come together!  

900 University Ave. 
Riverside, CA 92521 
United States 
Contact Email: ourbluemarbleucr@gmail.com